My goal is to share my experiences and impressions so that other students of UX Strategy & Design can make informed choices as they invest in their own careers.
If you think I've missed something, or would like to share your own perspective (constructively, of course), feel free to reach out to me here.
Worth the Money

5/5 - Excellent (Incredible Idea/Content, Presentation is Entertaining)

4/5 - Good (Great Idea/Content & Presentation is Clear)
Wait for Next Edition (if possible)

3/5 - Fair (Promising Idea/Content & Presentation Needs Polishing)
Don't Spend Your Time or Money

2/5 - Needs Work (Okay Idea/Content & Presentation Needs Significant Work)

1/5 - Terrible (Poor Idea/Content & Presentation is Terrible)
Note: Half-points are given to reviewed items that exceed the base-rating in some way, but are just shy of the next one up.