(Case Study) UX Strategy & Digital Product Delivery: Morgan Lewis

The Process


To ensure that the diverse range of products required were successful, I helped the UX team to conduct a variety of research activities.

From research planning, survey writing and analysis, to analytics strategy, our goal was to introduce a variety of swift and efficient methodologies that would help product teams to generate more accurate requirements.

Deliverables Included:

  • UX Strategy Planning.
  • Survey Writing, Heuristic Review, & Findings Analysis.
  • Analytics Strategy.
  • "Research Ops" Plan.
Affinity Map - To synthesize survey research findings from several hundred respondents, we used Affinity Mapping to group together common behaviours, goals, and mental models.
Heuristic Analysis - To improve usability with an existing product, a Heuristic Analysis was conducted to find common issues that could be corrected. The usability issues were flagged in terms of priority, with the most severe being addressed first.
UX Analytics Strategy - As part of a large intranet redesign effort, I introduced key stakeholders to a UX Analytics Strategy to improve the existing product by identifying problem areas to redesign.


From our completed research, the UX team used a variety of high and low fidelity design tools to explore potential solutions.

Appropriate solutions were then refined into styled mock-ups and prototypes, and during this process we took the opportunity to work with the in-house Marketing team to create a unified style guide for the entire range of digital products.

Deliverables Included:

  • Web/App Sketches & UI Mock-Ups.
  • Visual Asset Production & Unified Style Guide.
  • Heuristic Review (eData Web App).
  • Content Strategy Plan.
Wireframes & Mock-ups (Web App) - Pencil and paper wireframes were used to flesh out rough ideas, and these concepts were later refined in Sketch so that they could be presented to stakeholders as a visual user-flow.
Wireframes & Mock-ups (Mobile App) - We used Overflow to create user-flows and early low-fidelity prototypes; using screen mock-ups with the user-flows gave stakeholders a better understanding of how the product would work for users before we invested in more complex prototypes.
Universal Style Guide - To ensure brand and user-interface consistency across digital products, the UX team assembled and refined a universal style guide.
Content Strategy & Email Design - A content strategy was designed and implemented to produce an ongoing company-wide email campaign which drastically raised awareness and participation in online training.

Testing & Validation

To ensure that our designs met users' needs throughout the organization, we conducted extensive usability-testing sessions with both prototypes and early production code.

We included as many project team members as possible for each testing session, so that everyone could observe the sessions and then contribute towards a solution. Refined design iterations were then demonstrated for project stakeholders for additional feedback and approval.

Deliverables Included:

  • Usability-Testing.
  • Prototypes.
  • Project Presentations/Review with Stakeholders.
Native Prototype - Native code prototypes were used to explore a wide array of functionality during the usability-testing of a complex web application.
Axure Prototype - Axure prototypes were used for mobile and tablet apps; this allowed us to showcase high-fidelity funcitonality to stakeholders and perform in-depth usability-testing.
Usability Findings - Our usability-testing produced validated featues, while also providing specific targets for improvement in the next design iteration.